Friday, November 6, 2009

Wild Thing Party - Houston Zoo, Oct. 2009

Wild Thing. (I think I love you.)
That's how moms (and dads) feel about their kiddos.
And also how we feel about milk donors, milk depot friends, and milk recipient families in the Houston area.
We love you!
So, we threw you a little party a couple of weeks ago at the Houston Zoo. Everyone wore their costume and of course there was cake!
We thank Liane Garvin (and her son) for helping us remember a gorgeous fall afternoon at the zoo...
If you were lucky enough to be there, we thank you and really enjoyed seeing you again - or meeting you if we are new friends!
If you couldn't make it, then we hope these photos tell a story about families of all stripes (and spots) helping each other out with a little thing called milk.
And we mustn't forget to say - tell your friends:

Express Your Inner Life Saver: Donate Milk!
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